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Caesar Dip w/ Fishy Toast ๐ŸŸ

A dip to rival them all. No more soggy caesar salads, just crunchy dippinโ€™ at your convenience. See how itโ€™s made here.


  • 4 anchovies 

  • 1 garlic clove, grated

  • Salt

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • ¾ tsp. Dijon mustard

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • ¼ cup vegetable oil

  • 3 tbsp grated parm

  • Black pepper

  • ½ cup sour cream

  • Chopped chives for garnish 

  • Washed lettuces: radicchio (some leaves torn), romaine, butter lettuce

  • 5-6 slices multigrain bread

  • Olive oil

  • 1 tin of anchovies

Make it!

  1. Make your dip first. Chop anchovies and smash with the side of your knife. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and grate garlic into the mixture, smashing again. Add to a medium bowl with egg yolks, mustard and lemon juice. Whisk until combined. SLOWLY stream in your olive oil, while whisking fast. Once combined, do the same with your vegetable oil. Do not rush this or it will not emulsify properly. Add parm, black pepper and sour cream, whisk one more time. If this dressing is too runny, add more sour cream. Chill in the fridge. 

  2. Make your fish toasts! Set the oven to broil and put a rack on the top shelf of the oven. Slice your bread into lengths fit for an anchovy (about 2.5 inches long and .5 inch wide). Drizzle with olive oil and toast for 2 min until crunchy and golden. Place an anchovy on top of each toast. 

  3. Arrange! Place your dip in the center of a large platter and top with more parm, black pepper and chopped chives. Arrange the lettuces around the bowl, leaving spots of the fish toasts. More is more here! If there are any gaps make sure to fill them in so that it looks plentiful. Enjoy!