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Passionfruit Posset

Another day, another posset. I’ve made strawberry lemon possets, mandarin possets and now…PASSIONFRUIT! If you’re new here, welcome to the cult. Posset is an old time English dessert made from heavy cream, acid (lemon juice), and sugar. You can play around with it by adding in purees, while keeping the lemon juice concentration the same. See how it’s made here.

Makes ~10 possets (depending on the size of your passionfruits)


  • 10 passionfruits and their juice, strained and save the seeds

  • 1.5 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

  • 1.5 cups heavy cream

  • .5 cup granulated sugar

Make it!

  1. Slice passionfruits in half longways. Scoop out insides and strain out the seeds, but don’t throw them out!

  2. Juice a lemon to obtain 1.5 tablespoons.

  3. In a large sauce pot or dutch oven, combine the heavy cream and sugar over medium until sugar dissolves. Turn heat up to medium-high and bring cream to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring (adjust heat down if the mixture threatens to boil over). Pull pot off heat and whisk in passionfruit and lemon juices. Let sit for 10 minutes.

  4. After sitting, whisk mixture vigorously (you’ll see that its already starting to coagulate). Pour into the passionfruit cups, filling almost to the top. Wrap each one with plastic wrap and chill for a minimum of 2 hours, or overnight.

  5. When you’re ready to serve, add a few passionfruit seeds to the center of each posset. Serve cold and enjoy!