The Big Move --> Portland, Oregon
^This photo was actually taken in Alaska, not Oregon. It’s supposed to demonstrate how down to earth I am and how freely I throw caution to the wind. I’m that cool outdoorsy girl who flies by the coattails of her pants — hmm that’s not right.
SIKE. I am terrified and it took 50 shots to find one I didn’t hate.
Welcome back to my blog where you may usually come for recipes, but today I have a different focus. You might be here because of a google search about cats OR because I have announced that I am moving to Portland, Oregon and you want to know why. That’s the scary and difficult part for me to explain. All jokes aside, I am a people pleaser. I worry about what people think of me A LOT. It’s something that I’ve been working on and I’ve gotten better. I’ve stopped laughing at jokes that aren’t funny and I very rarely do all of my friends’ laundry and grocery shopping anymore. But it’s still there, the fear of being judged and that’s why I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to tell people why I am moving. So here it goes…
I am not moving because I got a job.
I am not moving because I am going to grad school.
I am not moving because I have family on the west coast (everyone is in the midwest or the east).
I am not moving because my boyfriend is there or because we broke up (actually, we’re doing great and he’s staying in Philadelphia).
These are all good and practical reasons why someone might move 3,000 miles away from home. Your dad would probably nod his head in approval to these reasons.
I am moving because I have always dreamt of living in Oregon and I have the privilege to do so. Before I explain more, I want to touch on the part about privilege. There are many things that I have worked hard for in my life, but I recognize that I’ve grown up with an incredible backing from my family. My mom and step dad are extremely supportive and have provided me with a loving environment. I’m not bragging, just giving credit where it’s due, especially since many people wouldn’t be able to pack up and choose where they want to go.
I just want to make it clear that I recognize my privilege and do not take it for granted. White people often want a cookie for that and no, I do not want a cookie. I actually want an Edible Arrangements basket delivered to my front door. We really love flower-shaped fruit.
Now, let me tell you about the WHY behind this decision.
2003 in Oregon — Aspiring Disney Channel star: my childhood acting career just didn’t pan out the way I had imagined.
Taken at the famous Multnomah Falls on the Columbia River Gorge. Notice the rat’s nest for hair, I refused to brush it.
The first time I visited Oregon I was 8 years old. My mom had started dating Sam (my step dad) and we stayed in a Bed & Breakfast near Cannon Beach. The magic of the lush pacific northwest was exhilarating and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. As years passed, my mind wandered back to images of magnificent evergreens that pierced the atmosphere and the soft pinks that reflected on the sand at sunset. When I reached high school I was still stuck on Oregon and I began to research schools out there. Shortly after, I found running and the fantastic University of Pittsburgh where I fell in love with the school, team, and city. I have no regrets about staying in Pennsylvania for school and cherished every moment of it, but there is still an itch I just can’t scratch. However, I’m not just moving to Oregon because I like conifers and drinking pinot noir (though, they are small factors). As you may have noticed, my interests lie with the food industry (cooking, photography, media, restaurants, health, videos, etc.), running (community, stellar trails, racing), and comedy (improv, stand-up). Portland has a booming food scene, an enthusiastic running/outdoors community, and a quirky comedic demeanor to it. Hopefully, I can pursue most of my interests and be inspired by others!
Oregon won’t solve all of my problems. The whole idea might go belly-up! I might go out there and be miserable: perpetually drenched in rain and missing my family (cats). But you have to try, especially if you are able to try. I am 24 years old and I worry that if I don’t try now I’ll always wonder, “what if…?” My theory is that even if this whole thing goes to heck, then I’ve tried and I can live with that. So if you have some crazy dream that’s gnawing away at you during the night (after you’ve factored out bed bugs, that is) maybe it’s time you really consider it. As my mom says (and probably so many Nike ads)…
If you never try, you’ve already failed.
Lastly, the journey begins on August 17th with a cross country roadtrip to the PNW. My mom and I are taking a route that traverses the midwest (hitting up family all the way to South Dakota). If you’d like to follow along, I’ll be posting photos everyday from my original Instagram account @arielpastoresebring
My mood forever.
Cheers to new adventures!